
One Saturday afternoon in March, Matt and I were on one of our usual coffee shop "dates" (with both boys asleep in the stroller next to us), and talking, dreaming of all the places we wanted to travel.  Portugal was very low on the list but as we talked, we pulled out a map and started googling temperatures in April.  Holy cow, Portugal was already in the 70s Fahrenheit which was a huge determining factor for me.  Who wants to go somewhere that's cold and rainy!?  So that night, Matt found amazing direct flights out of Toronto to Lisbon and booked the trip.  We ended up getting to Lisbon, Sintra, Evora, Lagos, Salema, and Porto. Overall, we loved Portugal and would definitely recommend Lisbon, Sintra (to see the Pena Palace), Lagos and Porto if you have enough time! 







Cities: Lisbon, Sintra, Evora, Lagos, Salema, and Porto

When: April, 2017

Duration: 8 days
Weather: Gorgeous, sunny, at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit the whole time!
Transportation: Azores Airlines, Train (Lisbon, Sintra, & Porto), Trolley (Lisbon), Eurocar (Evora, Lagos, Salema), Ryanair Airlines (Faro to Porto) 
*You can take trains from Lisbon to Sintra and Porto but would need to rent a car to get down to Lagos- which is a must see; GORGEOUS cliffs and beaches!
Accommodations (we recommend :) ) 
Lisbon (and day trip to Sintra): Pousada de Lisboa
*Linked are our tripadvisor reviews of each hotel :) 


  1. Headed to Portugal next week - great tips! Can't wait!!

    1. Hope you have a great trip!! Please feel free to message me with any questions while you are there!

  2. That should have been great. Portugal looks pretty.

  3. Great Post !! Very interesting topic will bookmark your site to check if you write more about in the future. i will definitely visit on your site Apply Portugal Visa From UK


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